Students from Liceo Majorana, 3rd and 4th classes, are going to start a Comenius project involving several European Partners (France – Spain – England – Germany – Poland – Hungary- Finland) with the purpose of setting up an online magazine and get to know how teenagers use media and ICT, deepening their understanding for each other and their culture.

After a first meeting held last September at Liceo Majorana with all Partners, the project has become operative. The first step will be a market research among 1.120 students from all Partner Schools by submitting them a questionnaire (students from the chosen classes will find here the questionnaire to be compìled and sent - update: not possible to send anymore). The data will show the students’ interests and will suggest the magazine policy and contents. Next month there will be another meeting in Cologne where all students will be able to compare their views and proposals and decide both the technical aspects and the contents of the articles on the magazine. Majorana will participate in this students workshop with six students chosen among the fourth classes.